Monday afternoon, Columbus Day, my mom told me that my 97-year old grandmother had taken a turn for the worse. She has been suffering from Alzheimer's for the past 5 years and has been cared for at her home by my mom, her two sisters and brother on a rotating schedule.
My family and I, who are now in Houston still looking for a house to buy, quickly gathered our things and headed to Austin to see her and be with her. My mom, her sisters and I, along with my cousin, stayed with her until her passing yesterday afternoon. Fortunately most of the family was able to gather and be there with her as she made the transition to heaven. My sister and her family, who live in Colorado, are coming tomorrow, but my sister was able to talk to her over the phone and sing to her on Wednesday evening.
Grandma was an inspiration to all of us with her funny sense of humor, strong work ethic, and ability to love us through food. She was an incredible cook and baker and has inspired me to pursue cooking and caring for my family similar to the way she did.
We are all going to miss her so much. We love you grandma!
This is why you haven't seen a post from me in several days. Thank you for understanding and for your thoughts and prayers. I should be back up and running in about a week.
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