We had beautiful weather this weekend! Which makes me very happy! We got a lot done here on the “farm”! Quinton and Joe got fresh hay out to the rabbits and chickens, while Lexie and Ray helped pull weeds and do some general cleanup.
The chickens really appreciated the new hay!
Here's Olive peeking into the camera!
Foghorn Leghorn himself got in on the action.
Check out Colonel Sanders…
Even the Turkeys joined the party!
After cleaning up around the place we dug in…literally! We tilled the “front backyard” again and cut out large beds for our new herb garden area…I'm still sore!
After all that work, we did some much needed weeding around the place…YUK! But it had to be done. Here are some shots of what we have going on so far:
Onions are up!
Mizuna (Salad Greens)
Carrots “Little Finger”
“Prize Winner” Pole Beans & “Scarlet” Runner Beans
Mustard Greens
“Bloomsdale” Spinach
Now for the Sweet Stuff…
Strawberries are making…they're soooo sweet picked fresh & ripe!
Our blackberry bushes are exploding with flowers and fruit sets!
I can't wait to make some Blackberry Jelly & Fried Pies!!!
Aren't they beautiful?!
Last, but not least…our Red Seedless Grapes are starting to leaf out. We hope for some sweet grapes this season.
We've got so much more to share as the season goes on! We're in the process of planting…red potatoes, fingerling potatoes, sweet corn, peppers, edamamme (soy beans), cucumber, peas, black-eyes, cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, zucchini and more…
It's so rewarding to see your plants and all your hard work start blooming and producing fruit! Even if you don't have time for a garden, plant a tomato in a large pot on the patio and reap some good tasting rewards!
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